EVENT: POFP Spartan Challenge

The POFP CrossFit Spartan Challenge is a workout inspired by the movie “300”. There will be three different divisions (Rx, Scaled, and Fun) to choose from based on your physical ability and performance level so everyone can participate!!! SIGN UP NOW or keep reading to learn more…


-TRX Rows (25 reps)
-Med ball Deadlift (30 reps)
-Elevated Push-ups (30 reps)
-Box Jump/Step Up (30 reps)
-AbMat Crunch (30 reps)
-DB Push-press (30 reps)
-TRX Rows (25 reps)

-Jump Pull-ups (25 reps)
-Deadlift ( 50 reps)—Men 115#/Women 75#
-Knee HRPU (50 reps)
-Box Jumps/Step-up (50 reps)—24″/20″
-Knee-raises (50 reps)
-BB Shoulders to Overhead (50 reps)—Men 45#/Women 35#
-Jump Pull-ups ( 25 reps)

– Pull-ups (25 reps)
-Deadlift ( 50 reps)—Men 135#/Women 95#
-HRPU (50 reps)
-Box Jumps (50 reps)—24″/20″
-Toe2Bars (50 reps)
-Barbell S2OH (50 reps)—Men 65#/Women 45#
-Pull-ups (25 reps)

Date: July 9th, 2016

Time: 8 am (consecutive heats until all participate)

Location: 565 West Neshannock, New Wilmington, PA 16142

Pricing: $30 = Event and Performance Shirt
$10 = Event only

Prizes: Top Male/Female of each division

SIGN UP NOW and reserve your spot!!!



POFP CrossFit
